Our Philosophy of Practice
Dr. Alexander and his team provide quality, comprehensive dentistry in a patient centered, friendly, environment. Our purpose as a dental team is to provide the best
quality of dental care to our patients, our family and our friends. With caring and understanding, we strive to deliver this treatment as gently as possible. We want to help
our patients achieve goals of excellent oral health and a lifetime of smiles with natural teeth. We take pride in our profession.
Our intention is to have each patient receive the least amount of dentistry possible
during their lifetime. This can be accomplished with completing a comprehensive exam,
having a detailed master plan and arresting dental disease at the first sign of problems.
Doing so will enable the least invasive and least costly dentistry over the long run, thus achieving predictable, natural looking, long-term solutions.
We are a learning organization, and are dedicated to honing our technical, communication and organizational skills. We take pride in our office and stride to provide a clean, beautiful atmosphere. This allows our patients to feel comfortable and
confident in our office. We are committed to maintain an atmosphere of trust, respect,
warmth and friendship between team members and our patients.