Our adult patients are reporting sustained stress over months of working from home while monitoring and helping their children do online school while worrying about exposure to COVID-19, and chronic lack of access to normal social activities. Children worry about themselves and family members getting the disease. They greatly miss normal playtime activities with friends. When loved ones have become infected by Coronavirus, stress ratchets up to a higher level. And recently our dental patients are feeling heightened stress over when and how they will get an appointment for vaccination. No age group has gone unscathed from accelerated stress.
One of the reasons I like being a dentist is that I have some control over the demands of my business. And one of the reasons that
I enjoy dentistry is that I can create an excellent work-life balance. We may not have talked about this personally when you come to our Boynton Beach dental office, but I and other team members who care for you are spending more hours at home now, caring for family members. On many days, I’ve been the designated parent to help my young children with their online learning. On those days, I focus on them, just like on other days, I put my total attention on each patient who comes to us for oral health care.
It’s a good thing that I like being a father and dentist. I like caring for people and improving their lives. This is what drives me. I also strive to be the best dentist I can be behaviorally and technically to serve my patients and lead my care team.
To be my best, I learned a long time ago, that I need life balance. I learned that I need to take care of myself physically, emotionally, and spiritually first. That self-care is job number one. Then, I can be my most energetic, confident, competent, and happiest best. So, as I look out at all of you in my mind’s eye, I hope you are taking care of yourself.
When it comes to your oral health, it is essential for total body health. Research is demonstrating thousands of ways in which good oral health supports healthy body function and disease suppression. Research has also demonstrated the correlation between good oral health and good mental health. We all need good mental health, especially now!
If the extra stress in your life during Coronavirus is delaying oral health checkups, dental cleanings, and needed treatment, pause to think about taking care of yourself first. If you are experiencing burnout or doldrums, take action to do something that will rebalance your emotions and reinvigorate you physically.
In Florida, we are fortunate to be able to get out and socially distance to walk, run, swim, play court sports, bicycle, and sunbathe on the beach. I hope you and your family are taking advantage of the warm winter weather and sunshine that surrounds us. That extra Vitamin D will do wonders for your immune system while you “play.”
See you in the dental office!
~ Jamie J. Alexander, DDS, Your Boynton Beach Dentist
Jaime J. Alexander, DDS
Dr. Jamie J. Alexander earned his Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology from Michigan State University in 1999 and his Doctorate in Dental Surgery from the University of Michigan in 2004. His practice philosophy aligns with the L.D. Pankey Institute’s focus on high standards of personalized patient care. A past president of the South Palm Beach County Dental Association, Dr. Alexander stays actively involved in several dental study clubs to keep refining his skills. He is a respected member of both the Boynton Beach and Delray Beach Chambers of Commerce.